Monday, October 27, 2008

Cure little fireplace

Yes it's so cute LOL. I put it in my bedroom, it's not real fire, but
it has flames and blows heat just like a real one!

Ugh I have a test for my drivers permit on Wednesday, I am nervous about driving LOL. I am nervous of looking all grown up. It's kinds gross.

Ugh I have a test for my drivers permit on Wednesday, I am nervous
about driving LOL. I am nervous of looking all grown up. It's kinds

when I was little I'd want to grow up and be a big boy. Now I am not
sure I want grow up. LOL maybe I do... LOL idk it's weird. Even though
I'm probably going to be activibg immature because that's just so fun
and I can't let
That go.

Subscribe to ma blog please, it'll mean so much to me. :-)

Ugh I have a test for my drivers permit on Wednesday, I am nervous about driving LOL. I am nervous of looking all grown up. It's kinds gross.

Ugh I have a test for my drivers permit on Wednesday, I am nervous
about driving LOL. I am nervous of looking all grown up. It's kinds

when I was little I'd want to grow up and be a big boy. Now I am not
sure I want grow up. LOL maybe I do... LOL idk it's weird. Even though
I'm probably going to be activibg immature because that's just so fun
and I can't let
That go.

Subscribe to ma blog please, it'll mean so much to me. :-)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

the biggest nightmare... being stalked!

The biggest nightmare happened to me. Today I was walking home and I was stalked/being followed.

I knew I was being followed when I got to like an intersection/stop sign and I crossed the street and this man was staring at me(in my mind i was like creeper), he smiled at me!, i would not forget that!, It's was very freightening!, for someone you've never seen in your life to be following you. It's so random. I never thought of this to happen to me, but I handled the situation very well.

I called my local police station, while walking I googled it on my iPhone, and the dispatch officer talked to me for a while, he told me to stand in front of someone's house and give him the address, so I did. The stalker was ahead of me, he would get ahead of me and catch up when I passed him. As I was standing in front of someone's house the dispatch officer was telling me all the direction the police were coming from. As the police officer got closer or the stalker saw the police he drove away and turned, the police officer knew the description/color of the vehicle and god bless him i give him so much credit, he followed the guy and pulled him over.I had turned my back and i didn't and when I turned around I saw the police officer turning. Still on the phone with dispatch.

So then another police car came, I was told that I could hang up, so the cop asked me a few questions, then I had to get in his car and I had to tell them if they had the right guy, so the cop drove up to where they had the stalker pulled over. I didn't even want to look at him. I felt disgusted and violated. So the cop that was in charge of everything I guess, and had the stalker pulled over, came and asked me my name and info, and he asked me if I knew this guy at all or have i ever seen him. I had no idea who this person was or why would he follow me.

So then the officer that took me to identify the stalker took me home.

I don't understand why people do this? And why the hell would they want to stalk me? I was tempted about calling the police but I couldn't let someone follow me to my house! It's just random and weird. I'm glad this happened to me for one reason only, there was so many little kids outside today, it was a beautiful day and I was having a great day this just ruined it. I'm glad this didn't happen to any of the little kids outside and it happened to someone that knew how to handle a situation like this.

Hopefully this won't keep me paranoid. I'm seriously damaged by this and it's going to take a while to get his off my mind.

A lot of bad things happen to me, but yet I still manage to cope with life. I'm going to try to remember to thank god everyday for my safety, and good state of mind. I just thought I'd blog this to get it out, writing things always helps me to cope with it.

I need to get my mind off of this...


Saturday, October 25, 2008

wow the economy

Wow it's just somehow weird. I'm a teenager, and I know how much of an effect this has. It's depressing that so many companies are in so much dept and makes me feel as if I'm missing out on things because the economy is so screwed up. I wish things could be like back to perfect when everything was o.k.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

No Homework finnally!

Finally a day off, no homework! I meant an evening off. Now I'm going to take advantage of this and shower and go to sleep early. I have a little Say-say for the blog today. Here it goes.

I think It's not right to be two people. be yourself and don't be ashamed to be who you are. Don't be ashamed about where your from. Don't be ashamed who's your family. If you're friends don't like you for who you " Truely " are then they you need to find new ones and be careful who you call your friends, that's probably why I don't have a WHOLE LOT of friends.
- Jose*

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Music is so amazing

Music is amazing. It can bring you back to the days man. Like I can hear a song, and remember when I was little and it debut on the radio dancing to it with all my family. Now I can enjoy them by myself. haha.

It's just <3. I can listen to this all night. haha. And any dance music is great. haha. I'm going to start working on my dance moves though.

I got another F! Lucky for my A- average in my other health class.
Maybe this test doesn't really count since I just joined.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm off from school today

I'm off from school today, and i'm here counting my change to see if I have enought to go buy coffee. I'll make a video!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Today is a day

Today is a day where I basically did nothing(should of been doing homework!) So I have nothing to blog about.

I woke up late, and then showered. got dressed. walked and bought some candy and that's pretty much it. I'm going to try and go to bed early, even though there is no school tomorrow, I have to get back on sleep schedule before Tuesday, that way I won't be tired during school.

So I'm off to finish the homework I never completed, and then at 9 p.m. edt I am going to sleep.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturdays are amazing

I love waking up and there's no one home, it gives me a sense of independence. I feel so relaxed, no one woke me up. It's like all natural. Like I got enough sleep so my body woke up.

Now I'm hungry so I might go make some pancakes. I'll post pictures of the outcome. I can cook! I've been cooking since I was about 5-6 years old. I used to make eggs in the microwave on Saturdays when I was 5 or 6 because I'd be the only one awake in this big old house, and I'd get so hungry.

I can't wait for that one day I'll live all on my own, and hopefully have one of the careers I want which would probably allow me to wake up like this and do the things I normally do without drastically changing the way I like/(or would like) to live life.

Friday, October 10, 2008

New day. Woo

Yesterday I had off from school. My allergies got me so I slept all day. It seems like every time I have a day off from school I get sick! Better when I have off from school then during school. I rather feel sick on a day off then feel sick all day in school. I still am not 100% back yet fully recovered. I finished my antibiotics from the last time I was sick yesterday, I had like the flu or something I don't know.

Today I'm expecting everything to go quite smooth. I just have to get in my head that it's Friday! I have a nice three day weekend, we have off on monday. So now I'm off to make some breakfast!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Funny biology class story

So I recently started Bio, a result of my schedule changes. The teacher is pretty nice from a first impression point of view, let's see how it all works out.

So the funny part about this is that the teacher called me up to make an online account for an online text book type of thing, so she puts the user name in for me, she created it for me, and then I put a password. Now the system rejected my account because I had bad words in the password. i though passwords could be anything you want them to be? haha. So she wisper's, "did you happen to put any curse words in you password?", So I'm like ohh I wasn't supposed to? hahha. And then I put something lame as my password.

I don't think it matters what is your password because no one is supposed to know it. but that was kinda funny. Not hilarious now but a silly school story. haha

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Monkey Business

Look at this video I randomly found on Youtube.

At the end of the video it says animal rights activist only allow them two hours! How do they know
the monkeys don't enjoy doing this? How about if they're happy and it's more of an activity for them?
Dogs like pleasing their owners, like seeing eye dogs which work 24/7. Why can't these monkey be
evaluated more to see if it's something they enjoy rather then considering it work. i do understand it though
They don't want them to be their all day in the restaurant. it's true, how would you like running back and forth
for drinks for people all day. it get's boring.

I really like

My 7th pd choir class, select choir I guess that's what it's called? lol
Although I feel as if I'm a baby lion cub set out to fend for himself, lucky I have claws, and sharp teeth(not literally,) and I'm pulling though good. I'm picking up on the music pretty well.

It's extremely fun! Like I can't ask for a better class. I just love it. The people are hilarious and funny but since I'm new I kinda just sit in the corner quietly. The class seemed quite welcoming. The teach is very nice, she's very smart and does what she has to do. Although I'm trying to not get disappointed.

I always get a certain feeling of being unwelcomed, sometimes I don't know if it's just me but since I just go with the flow until something hit's me hard enough. That's what I'm going to do. We'll see. Hopefully this will all work out.

I like the arts, singing is something i like. (not amazingly good at it though) but I like to sing every chance i get to. I'd set in that class and do what we do all day long, stand their learn new songs, and sing them. ALL DAY if I had a choice i would. That's how much i enjoy it. Some people don't understand that.

I have a strong passion for it!!!!!!! I think that's how you say it! ? haha

Well I'm off to do my self assigned chores.

I now have lot's of free time.

I have some homework. I can do that tommorrow. I'm washing clothes. And might do the homework tonight. So I can sleep a lot. Get fully rested, and wake up with on my own without my alarm clock buzzing off.

Things to do:
Spanish h.w. 3 pages, 3 little parts though. Easy*
History!!!! ugh, idk what i have to do I have it written down in my agenda book thingy.

Going finish cleaning my bedroom and washing clothes(it was about time)

just woke up

Just woke up for school, I'm dressed all i have left is to brush my teeth. I hope my friend takes a car today, so we can go out for soemthing good for lunch! haha. I think I'm more out of school then in school, just kidding. haha. I don't cut.

Well my expectations of today is a lot of homework being that we don't have school tomorrow. And the drama has went down, a lot! So glad. I've had so much drama since freshman year. Like when I go to a certain uncontrolled class, it seems like we waist the whole period, 45 minutes?, talking about Jose. Like seriously who cares about Jose, worry about yourself!

Now I'm going to go downstairs and chomp down on some food. " if I FIND anything" lol

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Done Early

I'm done everything early today, did my Algebra homework and stuff. Finished everything early. And! got to leave school early becuse my schedule recently changed, and it says student worker? Do I work...? ummm Heck no. but I guess it's ok because they were going to put a study hall there so I'm not missing anything I would need academically. I'm aiming on a (A) Average about my grades. That's what I'm aiming for. and I'm not going to get lazy!! I can and will do it you'll see.

Now I'm going to do laundry, early!, and watch the episodes of favorite t.v. shows online, that i have been missing. Grey's Anatomy, etc.

I wish someone would turn the car alarm that was set off, off. Like mute it! haha. I found this baby picture! hahaha it's awsome


Lot's of changes have been made in my school schedule thankfully haha. So I'm dressed for school All I need is to put my shoes on and leave. I forgot to the the backside of my spanish worksheet. So I'll just probably do it in school before class.

my iphone works now so that makes everything a bunch of times easier.