Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I really like

My 7th pd choir class, select choir I guess that's what it's called? lol
Although I feel as if I'm a baby lion cub set out to fend for himself, lucky I have claws, and sharp teeth(not literally,) and I'm pulling though good. I'm picking up on the music pretty well.

It's extremely fun! Like I can't ask for a better class. I just love it. The people are hilarious and funny but since I'm new I kinda just sit in the corner quietly. The class seemed quite welcoming. The teach is very nice, she's very smart and does what she has to do. Although I'm trying to not get disappointed.

I always get a certain feeling of being unwelcomed, sometimes I don't know if it's just me but since I just go with the flow until something hit's me hard enough. That's what I'm going to do. We'll see. Hopefully this will all work out.

I like the arts, singing is something i like. (not amazingly good at it though) but I like to sing every chance i get to. I'd set in that class and do what we do all day long, stand their learn new songs, and sing them. ALL DAY if I had a choice i would. That's how much i enjoy it. Some people don't understand that.

I have a strong passion for it!!!!!!! I think that's how you say it! ? haha

Well I'm off to do my self assigned chores.

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