Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Resolution

  I need a vacation this year… that’s all. smh. haha


JUST BE YOURSELF, Don’t try to impress people by changing who you are slightly. Grasp onto your own personality. Make your own values, and if someone doesn’t respect those values. Kick that someone to the curb.

  The world is overpopulated somehow, we don’t need to be friends with everyone to live in harmony, we don’t need a thousand friends to be happy. We shouldn’t make exceptions to friendships when it comes down to respect. Respect yourself and respect each other this year. These are a bunch of random thoughts.

  2010 taught me to take my time more, but I live this 100 mile per hour upbeat life that I love. Crazy schedule with class and work. This is me though.



  So I am just beginning to grasp dome more fitness goals. I definitely over did it… I think but I like overdoing it because then I KNOW I did everything right.

  Now I’m so sore, and it’s new years eve. No dancing… I am stiff as a dead man. I probably won’t workout till Sunday.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Had a great workout.

Today, was nice and smooth. Woke up later then usual. KILLED my workout. Here’s what I did.

Warm-up/Precardio: I ran for 15 minutes fast… haha

I did some more Warm up activity’s.

- Pull-ups 3 sets of 6 pull ups. to warm

- Plyo pushup set. crazy. 4-4-4-4- set. 4 low. 4 high.

I benched, did skull crushers, seated cable row, bicep curls, and then I rowed for 15 minutes. Good workout, upper body. Tomorrow I’ll do legs. 

Monday, December 27, 2010

Getting Through

Have you ever tried to get through to someone and it’s like you hit a brick wall every time. I’ve found that giving up works best. Give up before they know you’re trying to get through to them. Especially if it’s unwelcomed that you get through.

  I thought about this in a dream. I don’t remember well but it’s a useful life lesson I’d given myself.

  I know you can’t always wait for things to happen on their own. I do know that they don’t always have to go fast. This all has to do with relationships and or liking someone and wanting that step closer.

My gym was closed…

My gym decided it would close for the whole day. How great?! I feel like I am in solitary confinement. I need to run! Do something… Well good thing I have kettlebells.


  I went to the vitamin Shoppe bought some high protein shakes that are already made, this way I can pack them to class with me, and on the go when i can’t get in a whole meal. I also bought Ostrim! Ostrim is so good! I then went to the mall and spent $100 dollars at Macy's. Bought a nice coat, and sweat pants, and a hoodie. I really loved all three items so I just got them.

  Now I’m home, just made some pesto-pasta. laying in bed. netflicks maybe?

Reinvention 2.0



   So this year I succeeded in reinventing my body. I gained 20+ lbs of muscles naturally, from eating healthy and working out, protein!.

  I like having fitness goals myself because it helps me relate to my training clients a bit better. Whether they’re swimming goals or weight gain goals.

  My goal now is to gain muscle, while still being extremely fit. I don’t want to be a big meat head that can’t run, swim, or bike. See the good thing about me having knowledge in training is I know what I have to do, I just have to write it down and do it. I will be posting my workout of the day everyday that I workout just to keep a log. I have to workout 3 times a week at least. Today the workout is going to be abs and legs.

Row 15 minutes:( I don’t like working out the muscle I am going to workout on the warm-up that’s why I won’t run instead of row, while rowing still uses the legs I find it less legs specific, you’re using more then just your legs.  My goal during warm-up is to get my muscles as a whole ready for some action. Get the body’s core temp up to prevent injury. )

ABS: leg raises, an abdominal machine(i don’t like using machines but for abs they’re okay. Medicine ball exchanges. etc.

LEGS: Squats, lunges, and any possible leg workout I can think of when I get to the gym.

Then I’ll do some kettlebell swings and snatches.

Swing- 2 minutes L-R

Snatch 2 minutes L-R

Repeat that twice. it should add up to about 10 minutes with rest time etc.

Flaws and all


I come to realize and think to myself, “ why do I only see flaws when I look at myself ? “ . I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I am beautiful. I can’t change how I look on the outside. It’s me. God created me this way, and because I am gods creation I am beautiful.


  And even though people tell me ALL THE TIME. I kinda cringe in disagreement. Especially if it’s someone I like, but I never show that! I will now convince myself. I am beautiful, inside(most importantly!) and outside!

  Flaws and all, I am beautiful. Say that to yourself. Beautifully flawed? heck yes.

  Self esteem issues much? Positivity is much needed.  nice

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Flaws and all


I come to realize and think to myself, “ why do I only see flaws when I look at myself ? “ . I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I am beautiful. I can’t change how I look on the outside. It’s me. God created me this way, and because I am gods creation I am beautiful.


  And even though people tell me ALL THE TIME. I kinda cringe in disagreement. Especially if it’s someone I like, but I never show that! I will now convince myself. I am beautiful, inside(most importantly!) and outside!

  Flaws and all, I am beautiful. Say that to yourself. Beautifully flawed? heck yes.

  Self esteem issues much? Positivity is much needed.  nice

Working hard.. this year

I got this new blog thing synched with my laptop so it’s easier to blog. I will add blogging to my schedule. It’s sorta therapeutic for me.


  This year was the year of getting my stuff together. I accomplished more then some VERY OLD people have in their lifetime!


I’ve grown mentally, physically. and emotionally. I have goals. I have reached many goals. I’m satisfied with what I’ve accomplished so far but ambitious enough to want more!  I have a lot to say, so get comfortable bloggy.


  I’ve gotten all these certifications for personal training so far. I want more to expand my knowledge. It’s good money for helping people. I can say I truly love it. So far Arthritis exercise, kettlebell, Personal Training, USA swim Coach.


I love where I work because I can truly flourish. My co-workers are amazing. It’s fun. and I look forward to more education in this field in the beginning of next year. I think I want to get into group fitness. not sure though. Oh and just FYI, I don’t train people at the facility i work at. I just coach swimming which is very fun.