Saturday, October 3, 2015

You, the universe, and karma

You are here, You're are in the best place you can put yourself in right now. Given all you've been through. As long as you're not doing anything to directly bother someone mine or someone else's flow. You're doing good. Life isn't about being perfect and making all the right decision. We as humans tend to build people up to only tear them down. I should say THEY, because I'm one who think positively of others goals even if they're unrealistic. As long as you work and manifest those goals. How could you ever kill someones dreams, goals and confidence. Throw good vibes into the air, they'll come back at you like a boomerang. The universe works in wonderful ways... and remember KARMA IS A BITCH.
(Above) Two Friends reflecting life and changes... on a discoball baloon.

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