Saturday, October 3, 2015

My thoughts on Miley Cyrus' new album. " Miley& her dead pets"

I began with " Dooo it " the first song on her album ( at least from soundcloud ) which is free to download to anyone! Right away I got the feel as if this album was created by a girl in her young 20's, which it was! I love how personal and boutique like, Miley made this album. Almost as if she recorded it in a home studio with a bunch of notes from her journal.

For 20 something ( our age ) , I would interpret dead pets literally and in the sense of transitioning to an adult not knowing what you want to do, or who you want to hang with. Surpassing the obstacles of love and friendships. Going through life changing emotions you realize as you grow up who your friends are & who you friends have been ( YOUR DEAD PETS ).

My question for Miley would be with such big platform, what is the message she's giving to the world. I was going to write about it here but it's not my album to say what message is given to the world. In the meantime I'll just interpret it in my own way.

Get past the first song....

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