Friday, October 9, 2015

Str8 people making inappropriate comments to gay people.

Yes... It still happens.
Whether it be your friends, family, colleagues, coworkers, it's WRONG!

Do I make snarky comments to make str8 people feel like they shouldn't fit in? No. It's been often, that I've come across these kind of situations lately as I've been socializing with more str8 people visiting my hometown. Like people hesitant to share utensils with a gay person because in their fucked up world every gay person is dirty, complaining that you take too long to get ready ( as if it's any of their business how long it takes for you to get comfortable with yourself to walk out the door), people looking at you weird because you have a gait you've been working on since you were 13(JK) mainly people do these things to shrink you.

It's almost as if they want us to shrink us to fit into their perfect picture of what a man should be. Men and women of all "types" should be able to get along and coexist without wanting to shrink one another. Why would you want someone to feel trapped in a body that's unwanted. This is what we need to protect our youth from, FEELING TRAPPED and committing suicide.

Everyone should put their foot down, be who you want to be no matter how others TRY to make you feel. I say try because they're only succeeding if you allow yourself to shrink to their tom foolery version of who you should be. You're in charge ultimately in how you feel and if those people around you don't like you. Continue to take a low blow at you or your sexuality and the characteristics it comes with. Get rid of those people. Don't give them the blessing of having you in their life. Make yourself disappear from them. If it's meant for you to be in each others life, the universe will show that person they're wrong for making you feel that way and they'll come and apologize. If not the universe will take care of that person. Like a boomerang the energy you put out into the universe will come back to you and hit you in the face. Be peaceful. Be happy. Live you life as you feel. You should never have to decide how gay you're being or how gay you look. Look as gay as you want, be as gay as you feel.

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