Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Following your dreams, being who you manifest yourself to be

Sometimes our human can be distracted by the people we surround ourself by. Success for me is being the person I've manifested myself to be. I don't need to tell anyone who that is. I just need to show them.

For example, if you grew up wishing, manifesting yourself to be a scientist. Wake up everyday and say to yourself " I'm a fucking scientist! ". You don't need a piece of paper to validate who you are. Regardless of what you have to do to get to that place that'll officiate you being a scientist.

A lot of times I see people in life are unfocused, bounce around and never really achieve anything. They just like to brag about what they do and who they are because they need the validation from others, which they can't give to themselves.

Today I look into the mirror and I validate myself. I am _____ ( It's for me to know and you to find out, if you care eneough about me you'll pay attention to my life journey and you'll see ). A long with validating myself I'm also taking responsibility in what has to be done to become the greatest version of who I've validated myself to be. I will work as much as I have to, I will sleep as much as I need to, and when I can't I won't complain.

Best foot forward. It's never to late to accomplish goals you've set for yourself in the past. If you don't do it who else will. They're YOUR goals.

- Aftin

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