Monday, May 9, 2011


To be demanding isn’t all bad, but there are many ways in which it can be unloving.  It is one thing to be persistent in asking or requiring something, but excessively demanding one’s own way regardless of others’ rights or how they are treated indicates self-centeredness.  Overly demanding people are not concerned with what others want because they are mostly concerned with themselves.  And they can be very insensitive and uncaring when it comes to getting what they want.  Demanding people are often forceful in trying to get their way.  They might use manipulation, threats, or any other means to get what they want.

There is a controlling aspect in being overly demanding that actually leads to a lack of control.  So the less control a demanding person feels in a situation or over someone, the more demanding they may become.  Most people do not like to feel controlled or dominated.  There is an old saying, “If you love something, set it free.  If it comes back, it’s yours.  If it doesn’t, it never was.”   Love requires that we give people freedom to be themselves, without any restrictions imposed upon them to meet our demands in our way.

Demanding people feel entitled to what they believe are their rights.  They have certain expectations of people and they disregard their boundaries if they are in their way.  They have a difficult time taking “no” for an answer because the goal is to get what they want.  As you can imagine, most people are not comfortable being around a person who is overly demanding. Their selfishness communicates a total disregard for the needs and desires of others.  It is the opposite of love which is selfless and giving.

To be truly selfless is to enjoy giving others first place.  Rather than demanding your own ways, you can demonstrate love for someone by putting their needs above your own.  To be selfless is to put yourself aside and help them to get ahead.  It is to find true contentment and joy in considering what is in the best interest of someone else other than yourself.  It is to seek their good.  Selflessness also doesn’t impose its own expectations and desires on someone else.  It allows people the freedom to make their own choices.  Selflessness respects others’ decisions and loves them regardless of whether or not you agree.  When selfless, you treat people properly and respect their boundaries.  Selflessness is the essence of love.  You cannot have love without selflessness.

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