Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just something I just established to/in myself.

Knowing who you are and accepting yourself for being that kind of person comes far within ourselves. Sometimes you are scared for other people to know who you truly are. I write this blog because I need to look back at this one day.


I am probably not the most social person in the world. I don’t need much to make me happy. High standards when it comes to people I am dating though, because that’s how it should be if you’re going to spend a large segment of your life with someone, you'll have differences, because no one is the same, but you must be willing to accept all of those differences.

  To me, having friends is nice, although I’ve never had an abundance of friends. It’s fine, that’s me. I’m just starting to come out of my shell and experience life. No rush at all. I’m pretty simplistic.

  Also, I am not your average person, I used to feel like i didn’t fit in ANYWHERE, till eventually I said FUCK THIS. I don’t care what people think of me. I am who I am, and I’m not going stop being who I am because it upsets someone. Whoever I upset for being myself shouldn’t be a part of my life, because if you’re not willing to accept me for who I am? There’s no point in wasting your time in talking to me.

  I’m just taking a breathe right now and realizing, wow time to grow up. I have to become someone and I can’t become that person if I live a lie. I have to be a genuine person to myself and to the people around me.


  This is me. take me or leave me.

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