Saturday, December 6, 2008

Today was amazing...

Today was amazing. I had a lot of fun. Best of all I got to laugh and just lay back and not care about anything for once. I went shopping all day and I didn't buy anything but food. I know I'm fattt. haha.

I laughed and meant it for the first time in months maybe. Like I was laughing so hard I cried. lonnnnggg story.

Some weird things also happened. Me and my friend caught some ugly girls talking about me or pointing me out. But we ignored them we didn't want to fight. Then some random girl tried to sneakily take a picture of me, but she forgot to turn her flash off so it flashed right in my face, and it was bright. I don't know if she was really trying to take a picture of me. She was with a group of friends. I could care less so I kept walking. Her lenses were pointing and me and my friend so we kinda guessed. Maybe it was an accident idk.

Something inappropriate happened at the toy store, while we were shopping for a homeless family. My friend took a family to buy presents for Christmas for. So we're looking at toys and this what seemed to be girl at first kept bending down in front of us as if he/she was reaching down for something and he/she's but crack was like showing wayyyyyy too much. Like it was right THERE, there was no way you couldn't see it. and it happened twice and I laughed so hard I had to leave the store so I wouldn't offend this person. I don't have a problem with transgendered people, it was just the nasty ewww but crack. so grosss.

the day continued on, we shopped for 8 hours. My friend bought a lot. Now I'm home writing a blog and I'm going to clean.

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